Brome Standards

(Bromus carinatus, Bromus erectus, Bromus inermis & Bromus riparius)

GENERAL STANDARDS -- The standards on this sheet are in part condensed and apply to brome. For greater detail and additional provisions, see the Native Seed Program Standards.

APPLICATION -- Applications should be submitted electronically on CCIA’s website (Application to grow and certify seed) as soon as possible and no later than three (3) weeks after planting. New applicants should contact the CCIA office for instructions on obtaining access to the online application system.

FIELD HISTORY -- Land must have been free of Brome for three years to produce G1 seed; two years for G2 through G10 seed. Brome must be planted in distinct rows. Exceptions must be approved by the Seed Certification Office prior to planting.

ISOLATION -- Fields or portions of fields producing seed must be isolated the following distances:

Factor   G1   G2   G3
Less than 5 acres900 feet660 feet330 feet
More than 5 acres900 feet300 feet165 feet

FIELD INSPECTION -- Include a seedling and a seed crop inspection.

Off-Types -- Every field should be rogued to remove any plants of another crop or variety, including volunteers. Native seed selections cannot always be differentiated at field inspection. When differences can be distinguished, the maximum mixture of other varieties or definite off-types permitted is as follows:

   G1  G2G3 to G10

Weeds -- Fields must be free of any prohibited noxious weeds. Restricted noxious weeds and common weeds difficult to separate must be controlled. Prohibited and Restricted noxious weeds are listed in the California Seed Law/CA Code of Regulations/Sections 3854 and 3855. See California Seed Law - Prohibited and Restricted Noxious Weed List.

Fields may be refused certification due to unsatisfactory appearance caused by weeds, poor growth, poor stand, disease, insect damage, and any other condition which prevents accurate inspection or creates doubt as to identity of the variety.

Updated June 2024