General Standards Section 6

Section 6. Classes of Certified Seed

The four (4) classes of seed recognized in seed certification are defined as follows:

6.1    Breeder Seed is the original source of all classes of certified seed. It is held, maintained, and controlled by the originating plant breeder, sponsoring plant breeder or institution, in such a way to maintain its genetic purity and identity. Breeder seed provides the direct source of Foundation seed. The CCIA may verify that Breeder seed has been maintained according to the variety description.

6.2    Foundation Seed is the progeny of Breeder or Foundation seed produced under control of the originator, sponsoring plant breeding institution, or designee thereof. As applied to certified seed, Foundation seed is a class of certified seed that is produced according to policies and procedures established by the CCIA for the purpose of maintaining genetic purity and identity of a variety.

6.3    Registered Seed is the progeny of Breeder or Foundation seed. Registered seed is produced according to policies and procedures established by the CCIA for the purpose of maintaining genetic purity and identity of a variety. In some crops or varieties there is no Registered class.

6.4    Certified seed is the progeny of Breeder, Foundation, or Registered seed. Certified seed is produced according to policies and procedures established by the CCIA for the purpose of maintaining genetic purity and identity of a variety.

Reviewed October 2022 Next Section